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The month of February we're all about the morning teas and the mulching, getting the ground ready for some serious planting action when the weather cools down.
We have great activities lined up for the coming weeks that we’d love you to be involved in, so read on.

Morning tea and mulch-a-thon
This Saturday 10thFeb! At Links Community Garden Lalor, 405 Station St, Lalor, from 10-12. Come on down for a bikkie, a piece of homegrown fruit and a chat. If you’ve got any cardboard boxes or newspaper lying around, bring them along to help with our easy-peasy weed-suppression strategy, but more importantly bring yourself. BYO water bottle, sunscreen and hat.

Saturdays at Links
Every Saturday 10am-12 noon is our new weekly community morning tea time at Links Community Garden Lalor. All people, all ages, whether you’re a gardening wizard or don’t know a root from a branch, welcome. We’ll be meeting every week unless otherwise announced.

Mosaic garden art workshop: save the date!
Who hasn’t accidentally dropped their favourite mug? Find out how to turn your crockery disaster into a mosaic stepping stone for the garden. Saturday 3rd March 2-4pm, location TBA. Start collecting those broken bowls and chipped cups to transform into gorgeous garden art

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