We're warming up our frosty fingers by planting bush foods, building fences, getting crafty and (you guessed it) moving mulch.
Bush Food Garden
Thanks to a grant from Sustainability Outreach Whittlesea, we've just placed our order with the La Trobe Wildlfe Sanctuary for a tasty collection of indigenous edible plants. Think native raspberries, yam daisies, running postman, native leek and some very special herbs. Winter is the time for getting natives into the ground, so come on Saturday 30th June from 10am to introduce these gorgeous plants to their new home (thanks to Matt for building their spiffy corrugated iron raised bed). We've got some dinky-di low-nutrient Aussie soil to shovel into the indigenous edibles bed this Saturday 23rd, so if you're feeling like a bit of a workout, come along to 405 Station St Lalor with your spade :-)
Fency Mc-Fenceface
Links Community Garden Lalor has officially declared July the International Month of Building Our Fence Already. We're going to be ramming star-pickets, digging a few holes, tying wiry things to posty things and generally making our space safer for kids (and the rest of us). It's going to be a big job, which is why we're talking about a whole month of fencing, every Saturday starting from Saturday 7th July at 10am. Special thanks to Landcare Australia who are helping fund our fence through a Powerful Youth Project grant with the wonderful Vasey Park Preschool.
Your waste is their ... um ... taste
We're talking about our lovely composting worms, who'll be moving into their new bath-tub worm paradise on the 28th July, and they'll be hungry for a balanced diet of pumpkin peel, banana skins and that celery from the bottom of your fridge that is now way past crunchy. So please start saving your scraps to feed to our new community pets. No meat, dairy, citrus, or foods with preservatives thanks. In the meantime, if you've got some stuff to compost, we have a compost bin on site and a couple of big heaps on the go.
Speaking of taste, we're going to be at the Taste of Thomo Food Festival
Saturday 4th August from 10am we'll be running a nature play workshop for creative youngsters with our awesome kits made of 100% genuine excellence (sticks, stones, feathers, string, googly eyes, seed pods, all the good stuff - plus a bit of carefully supervised craft glue). Thomastown Library. Lots of cool stuff happening. Check it out.